Fufa looking for possible ways to conclude UPL Season

The Federation of Uganda Football Association is engaging the government for a way to conclude the 2020/21 Uganda Premier League season.

UPL season was put on hold after Government announced a national lockdown due to increase in number of confirmed Covid cases in recent weeks.

The league still has three match-days, not to mention the three games still to be played on matchday 27, to conclude.

FUFA remains positive that the league will have a natural ending.

“We are telling government that look,” FUFA president Moses Magogo said.

“Football is a group of people that have control of our people.”

“We played in closed environments, we can still play the league last rounds.”

“FUFA needs only two weeks and at the end of that we can wait for the next months as we plan for next season.”

“And we hope that Government listens to us, it will be something very good.”

“If it doesnt, we do not have powers over that we shall still come up and do decisions for the interim.”

However, many including FUFA third Vice President Nakiwala Kiyingi, have asked FUFA to trigger a force majeure clause as it was the case last season.

The move will see Express FC awarded the title.

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