Horrific moments captured during Jacob Oulanya’s send off

Jacob Oulanya's burial

Latest gossip reaching our desk from Omoro district. You can hate the dead, love them, you can disagree with them, you can despise them, but the one thing you can’t do is ignore them.

If you can well remember our recent article about the Dead are not dead, you well know what we are talking about here. 

It’s in broad daylight that today we are sending off the fallen speaker of parliament (Jacob Oulanya) body and the day was announced to the public. 

If you didn’t make it to the Omoro district, Postdator has your eyes and we are here to update you from start to finish of the send-off. 

The latest incident has no clear explanation of why it happened or how it happened. 

Earlier today, we saw A-Plus funeral Service tents fly the Omoro air space abandoning late Jacob’s casket in broad daylight. 

Rumors coming from some of the masses in Omoro, are stories about Late Jacob Oulanya’s mysterious death that won’t go unnoticed. Besides all that happening in Omoro district, the netizens can’t settle for the poison trend. Earlier today, we got a tweet from Simon Kaggwa Njala and I suppose we shouldn’t go unnoticed.

“If poisoned Ugandans met somewhere in heaven, they’d form a big choir similar to the one that sings on Martyrs’ day at Namugongo. We have ignored the poisoning phenomena either deliberately or out of fear. It’s really painful. My thoughts to the bereaved families.” Simon Kaggwa Njala. 

I guess you can’t imagine its reactions. Within 1 Hour it hit 2061 likes.

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