I will never show you my wife – Frank Gashumba Tells Ugandans

I will never show you my wife - Frank Gashumba Tells Ugandans

Frank Gashumba who is a father to socialite Sheila Gashumba has made it clear to us that we shall never come to know who his new wife is even if he is to get her. The CEO of sisimuka Uganda has been single for over 15 years and many have nicknamed him “Kasabuni Master” something that means lord of masturbators.

During an interview, he was seen communicating to Ugandans about the proper ways of cubbing Covid-19. He said Ugandans should use local herbs and tree leaves such as orange tree leaves, mango tree leaves among others, boil them thoroughly and them thoroughly and then steam one self inhaling the steam that comes from the mixture. Frank Gashumba urged Ugandans not to go to hospitals at all because its expensive and very costly.

It’s at this juncture that he made an swft turn to his love life, “I told you I will never show you, my wife, even if I am to get her, you people are so jealous and sadistic, Ugandans don’t like people who are well off, they don’t like some who is doing well. Ugandans don’t like someone who is celebrating, they instead want someone whose fortune has been spilled to the ground,” he said.
“Ekyengela kya Allah kyange sisobola kibalaga, ” he added in Luganda a statement that means that he couldn’t show us his ripened fruit blessed to him by Allah or God.

He then asked all of us the online in-laws if, at all he knew the ones we were dating, he even went ahead to describe the kind of woman he wants to have, “I want a woman who is perfectly made from God’s image, a lady that hits high heels on the floor and you be like hit it down baby. You know, you recognize a beautiful woman when she is asleep, she looks just like a baby or when she has just woken up.”
He stressed that his wedding will only have 20 people but all his favorite bishops were deceased and that he would look to the current one to wed him with his “Kyengela kya Allah”

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In his closing remarks he sent a clear message to Ugandans, “Covid is very serious, sanitize follow the doctors’ rules, drink too much of hot things and steam yourselves, we shall fight it.”
A word to a wise is always enough and I hope you learned something from the big man, see you around soon keep checking on us for more Updates

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