Mikie Wine promises wedding to girlfriend

Singer Mikie Wine has promised wedding to his long term girlfriend Shazney Khan.

This comes after Shazney Khan marked her body with a tattoo of Mikie’s name.

The Sulubada headmaster now feels ready to make her his wife.

On Sunday morning, Mikie Wine revealed how sweet it felt for his wife Shazney Khan tattooed his name on her arm.

The excited Sulubada Headmaster let his feelings for his baby mama show.

Mikie Wine pledged to marry her in a huge wedding.

“This love is sweet when you are loved by your friend,” Mikie Wine posted.

“Someone who can go an extra mile, through lots of pain and cries to put a smile on your face.”

“Never take her for granted. Love you my bestie Shazney. Am going to Mbaga you nawe otye,” Mikie posted.

It is a trend that has slowly become a norm amongst celebrity couples in Uganda over the years after Barbie Kyagulanyi tattooing Bobi’s face on her back.

Just a few months ago, fellow Firebase singer Nubian Li also had his face permanently inked on her lover Gloria Mutoni’s back.

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