Oscar apologizes to Bruno K

At the start of the week, Oscar Bigtym accused his good Samaritan Bruno Kiggundu alias Bruno K of being a fraudster in the name of giving a hand to the less privileged individuals.

While appearing in different media interviews, Oscar was all over the nation spreading rumors that Bruno K stole almost all the money that was given to him by well-wishers to help him improve his lifestyle.

Oscar’s allegations against Bruno K left many questioning why the latter would act in such an ill manner which forced a few to lose trust in Bruno.

The allegations came at a time when Bruno K was mourning the passing of his baby mama Briella Kiggundu who lost a battle to cancer putting him into depression.

In a video, while down on both his knees, Oscar apologized to Bruno K asking to be forgiven for what he said about him that was not correct.

Bruno K is yet to respond to Oscar’s apology.

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