She said Yes! Hon. Francis Zaake finally proposes to Bridget Ndagire Namirembe in beautiful ceremony.

Surprise, the latest to reach our desks is Mityana Honorable member of parliament Francis Zaake proposing to his long-time bonkmate Bridget. Months and years past the political struggles, Hon. Francis Zaake has finally proposed to his longtime girlfriend in a beautiful ceremony accompanied by Barbie Kyagulanyi.

Francis Zaake decided to put a ring on Bridget Ndagire Namirembe after six years of dating.

The self-proclaimed politician took the ceremony to his social media pages to share the marriage milestone with fans and followers.

Hon Franscis Zaake and Wife
Hon Franscis Zaake, Wife And Barbie Kyagulanyi

In a poetic tone, Honorable Francis Zaake Update His Twitter Page.



When my eyes set on you,

I knew you were the one,

My heart froze

To a magnetic pulse,

Your glance and mine met,

In my ears echoed music,

Like a flute, my heartbeat roared your name,” Zaake Francis

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