Heavyweight Champion Mike Tyson Fists Passenger On Plane

Heavyweight Champion Mike Tyson

Former heavyweight world champion Mike Tyson 55 allegedly beat up a fellow passenger on a flight out of San Francisco on Wednesday night Everyone wonders who would love to fight Mike Tyson, a guy who has a tiger as his pet The cell phone footage shows a man sitting behind Tyson and attempting to talk to him. At first, Mike…

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Golola Moses ready to take Sheebah off the stall

Self-made celebrity, the over talkative renowned kick boxing champion Golola Moses has publicly confessed his readiness to smash TNS singer Sheebah Karungi’s sumbie. According to Golola, he is also still a proud “Sekyeyombekedde.” The single and searching sportsman says he is more than ready to relieve the Swagg Mama of her cold and single nights. Golola Moses is ready to…

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