Weasel welcomes bouncing baby boy

Goodlyfe singer Douglas Mayanja a.k.a Weasel Manizo announced the good news of welcoming a second baby with lover Sandra Teta.

The father of many added yet another life to the ever-growing family.

This was after the Rwandan socialite Sandra Teta delivered the healthy bundle of joy.

‘I was bullied in school because of big lips’ – Lucky Mbabazi

Weasel and Teta with their first child, Ria Mayanja

Through social media, the self-styled Badmind Killer excitedly revealed the name of the little boy; Douglas Joseph Mayanja.

“Sunday Blessings Welcome To the Family Son, Douglas Joseph Mayanja Jr,” Weasel Manizo wrote.

He also shared a video of the newborn sharing a sweet moment with his elder sister.

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