Cinnamon Solutions Launches #YimusaLevo: Empowering Fishing Communities with Financial Inclusion, Literacy and Technology

Cinnamon Solutions has officially launched the #YimusaLevo campaign, a groundbreaking initiative aimed at driving financial inclusion and technology adoption among underserved fishing communities along the shores of Lake Victoria. The campaign, launched at Masese and Wairaka landing sites in Jinja District, is set to expand to Buikwe, Mukono, and Masaka districts, bringing financial literacy and digitized services to these communities.

Speaking at the launch event, Ms. Doreen Rutazaana, CEO of Cinnamon and a key implementing partner in the initiative, expressed her gratitude to the participating groups for joining the competition. She emphasized the main objective of the E-Booster programme, which is to identify and support innovative ICT solutions that address societal challenges in underserved sectors of the economy. Doreen thanked the Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) for its support in reaching fishing communities across the four districts. She described the YIMUSA LEVO campaign as a “below the line” effort to promote a culture of saving, encapsulated in the campaign’s tagline, “TEREKA SSENTE OKULAKULANE” (Save Money to Prosper).

Doreen stressed that improving the standard of living in these communities requires hard work and participation in Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs), encouraging everyone to save for their future dreams.

Community Leaders Applaud the Initiative

Ms. Sarah Namulondo, the Fisheries Officer of Masese District, expressed her gratitude to UCC and Cinnamon Solutions for including the Masese teams in this transformative initiative. She commended the participating groups and pledged her full support to ensure the success of the competition.

Her colleague from Wairaka, Ms. Victo Biwoye, echoed these sentiments, applauding her community for their dedication to saving and encouraging them to work not only to win the competition but also to transform their lives through financial discipline. She also thanked UCC and Cinnamon Solutions for the timely initiative, assuring her support in ensuring the campaign’s success.

Digital Transformation through the Cinnamon Clubs Platform

At the heart of #YimusaLevo is the digitization of financial activities for selected VSLAs and SACCOS using the Cinnamon Clubs platform. This platform automates financial processes, replacing outdated paper-based record-keeping methods that have led to issues such as fraud and delayed payments. The baseline survey conducted before the campaign’s launch revealed that 93% of savings groups were still using manual ledgers, which exposed them to inefficiencies and risks. Only 3% of the surveyed groups used automated systems. By transitioning to digital solutions, #YimusaLevo aims to increase transparency, accountability, and ease of use, ultimately improving the financial stability of these groups.

Phase one of the initiative, which included a baseline survey, stakeholder engagements with the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF), and community mobilization, has been successfully completed. The next phase focuses on direct engagement and training with local beneficiaries to ensure the adoption of the digital tools and practices provided by the Cinnamon Clubs platform.

The Importance of Financial Literacy through Creative Engagement

To complement the digitization efforts, #YimusaLevo will promote financial literacy through creative engagement. The campaign includes competitions in poetry, original folk song, and dance, which aim to raise awareness about the importance of saving in a fun and culturally relevant way. The primary participants are members of the nine selected savings groups—three from Wairaka and six from Masese—while their families and other stakeholders are encouraged to engage and support.

The grand finale of the competitions is scheduled for October 3, 2024, where the winning group will receive a cash prize of two million Uganda shillings. The second and third-place winners will receive one million and five hundred thousand shillings, respectively, with other groups and participants receiving additional merchandise and prizes.

A Broader Impact: Bridging Uganda’s Digital Divide

While Uganda is recognized as one of the world’s most entrepreneurial countries, many sectors, particularly in rural areas, remain underserved by ICT innovations. Over 75% of Uganda’s population lives in rural areas, yet these regions are often overlooked by both government and private sector initiatives aimed at boosting digital inclusion.

#YimusaLevo seeks to address this gap by providing digital solutions to communities that have been economically inactive due to a lack of access to financial services. By targeting these unserved and underserved markets, the campaign presents new opportunities for business growth, empowering communities to become more self-sufficient and economically active.

Uganda’s small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) account for 90% of private sector production and employ over 2.5 million people. The adoption of ICT solutions is critical for these businesses to remain competitive in a rapidly changing market. By promoting digitization, #YimusaLevo is not only improving financial inclusion but also contributing to the broader goal of narrowing Uganda’s digital divide and enhancing the country’s economic growth.

Looking Ahead: Sustaining the Momentum

With the support of UCC through the UCUSAF eBooster program and in collaboration with Makerere University Business School (MUBS), Cinnamon Solutions is confident that #YimusaLevo will have a long-lasting impact on Uganda’s fishing communities. As the campaign expands to more districts, it will continue to provide communities with the tools and knowledge needed to save, invest, and secure their financial futures.

The #YimusaLevo campaign is a transformative initiative that is set to uplift Uganda’s fishing communities by promoting a culture of saving, offering digital financial solutions, and fostering community engagement through creative competitions. The future looks bright for the participating VSLAs and SACCOS as they embrace digital technology and financial literacy to create lasting change.

For more information on #YimusaLevo and upcoming events, visit or follow @CinnamonSolutions on social media.

Hashtags: #Impact #SDGs #WomeninFishing #Digitization #FinancialInclusion #EmpowerFishermen #SACCOGroups #InclusiveFinance #UCUSAF #UCC #CinnamonClubsCompetition #CreativeAwareness #SavingCulture #TerekaSsenteOkulakulane #FishingCommunities

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